June 5, 2023

What is Sound Healing and its Benefits?

What is Sound Healing and its Benefits? Sound healing is an ancient healing modality that uses sound and vibration to bring balance to the body and mind. It is based on the belief that sound has a powerful effect on the body and can be used to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Sound healing is believed to work by […]
June 5, 2023

Top 5 Yoga and Meditation Books You Must Read

Top 5 Yoga and Meditation Books You Must Read The selection of yoga books that we propose below looks at the asanas (postures) that manage to tone the body and keep it graceful and in shape, which is not small. But the look is broader because yoga is much more. In this list of yoga books, there are classic works […]
June 6, 2023

Meditation, Mindfulness, and Mind-Emptiness

Meditation, Mindfulness and Mind-Emptiness Ever been unable to sleep because you can’t switch off that stream of thoughts that seem to flow incessantly, mercilessly through your head? When your mental noise distracts you from the task at hand, makes you forget why you walked into a room or keeps you awake at night, you’re a victim of what is known […]
June 6, 2023

Can awakening of Kundalini free us from addictions?

Can awakening of Kundalini free us from addictions? Why do we get addicted? Why do addictions or harmful habits tend to occur so frequently? The reason behind addictions and harmful habits of any kind is the lack of optimal functioning of the brain which leads to brain dormancy. Such a state of dormancy is either the result of a deficiency […]
June 6, 2023

What is Nada Yoga? – The Sacred Sound

What is Nada Yoga? – The Sacred Sound Attaining Samadhi through sound is Nada Yoga. Samadhi is the experience of pure consciousness that transcends mind and body. On the path to experiencing pure consciousness, an individual discovers the wisdom of the body, emotional and cognitive intelligence, the union of body and mind (atman or soul), and the expansion of Atman into Nada […]